Stretch & Breath

Using this video practice, noticing how using simple movement can bring a connection to the body and mind. Seeing what you notice and no matter how many times the mind takes over, returning as best you can to the present moment experience of the body in motion and the after effects of holding stretches.

Mindful Movement Standing Practice

Floor Exercises -

Mindful Movement

Much as we do with the stretching exercises, using these floor exercises to notice the body in motion and the space between movements. Seeing if it is possible to pay attention to when the mind carries you away from movement to thinking and returning to the postures when you notice this happening.

Sitting w/Breath & Body

In this sitting practice, we work a bit longer with sitting with our breath and body in the present moment. Noticing what arises without having to do anything in particular, just exploring what is here as best we can.

Three Step Breathing Space

A practice we can “drop into” at any point. Using the 3SBS can be our first responder to anything that arises or when need a bit of time to come back to being.

Course Book Week Three

Have a read through the workbook for week three which expands on what we have discussed in the session this week.

Home Practice Log

Use this form to track your practice this week. It can help when we come back together and talk about things go over the next week.


Use this form to fill in one unpleasant moment that occurs each day. Seeing if you can de-centre from the experience and log what comes up for you.

Week THREE Review

Here is a summary of what we did this week in the session.